Build on Ice

Build on Ice
- a LEGO competition targeted at years 1-8 with an Antarctic theme
Imagination Station have partnered with Antarctica NZ to provide access to LEGO resources for year 1-8 students in 40 schools.

The competition will celebrate creativity and innovation and has a multitude of potential tie-ins with school curricula, especially around resources and environments.
If your school doesn’t have LEGO, that's no barrier: the first 40 schools will receive a one month loan of an Antarctica themed Imagination Station LEGO® kit!
Click to register!

Theme: Antarctica (e.g. landscape, animals, buildings, science, vehicles)
Antarctica New Zealand has provided some great resources to support classroom learning and give you some great ideas on what to build. There is a broad scope to help you meet some of your DDDOs and other aspects of your 2025 curricula and themes.
Registration and entry is FREE!
School Entries
Incorporate the Antarctica NZ Activity Book into your curriculum, support the students with our design process templates, and let the kids showcase their learning and creativity!
The Imagination Station LEGO® kit will be loaned to up to 40 schools for a one month period during terms 1 and 2, 2025.
Participating schools will receive a:
- one month loan of an identical box of Antarctic coloured LEGO® (Imagination Station LEGO® kit)
- Antartica NZ Activity Book
- Imagination Station Engineering Design Process templates.
- years 1-6
- years 7-13
A3 posters and google slides will be displayed at the 2025 Christchurch Brick Show, July 2025.
Individual Entries
Individual Entries are an Antarctica themed free build, using own LEGO. Size of entry is no larger than 50x50cm, with a maximum height of 50cm.
Exhibition of individual entries: at Tūranga the weekend of 14/15 June and are judged as:
- years 1-6
- years 7-13
All entries must be genuine LEGO to be considered for judging. Judging is based on creativity, design and skill with LEGO building.
School Entry years 1-6
- 1 day of Imagination Station at your school
- Zoom call with Scott Base, Antarctica NZ
- 1 day of Imagination Station at your school
- Zoom call with Scott Base, Antarctica NZ
- $100 Imagination Station voucher
- Family Pass to Antarctic Centre
- Entry displayed at 2025 Christchurch Brick Show
- $100 Imagination Station voucher
- Family Pass to Antarctic Centre
- Entry displayed at 2025 Christchurch Brick Show